


W.C. Andrews Elementary School

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Bike Rodeo

The WCA PTA is proud to announce our annual bicycle safety and awareness event - the Bike Rodeo! Coach Knowlton will be teaching your child about bike safety during P.E. class and will take the students on a walk through of the course so that all students will know what to do to participate in the Bike Rodeo.

All students are encouraged to participate in the Bike Rodeo and all who do will receive a participation ribbon. The students in each grade level who receive the top 3 scores will receive award medals. Students are welcome to use training wheels if needed.

The students will be judged and scored in each of the following Bike Rodeo events:

Equipment Check:

Loose or warped tires

Split or bad tires

Broke or loose spokes

Broken or missing pedals

Loose or broken handgrips

Broken or missing reflectors

Loose or broken seat

Brakes that don't work

Loose chain

Improper seat adjustment


Students will weave through a series of 6 cones

Turn and hand signals:

Students will demonstrate right and left hand turns. They will need to use porper hand signals. (Do not use hand signals if it causes you to fall over!)

Figure 8:

Students will ride in a controlled right and left circle

Straight line and stop:

Sudents will demonstrate their starting and stopping ability.

5 BONUS POINTS for a properly fitting bike helmet.

VOLUNTEERS are needed to judge the Bike Rodeo. We need 2 judges for each event. If you can volunteer, please leave your name and number at the front office (777-4048) and we will get get in touch with you or send and email to wcaptatx@gmail.com.

