The following are the Blue and Red groups and times for SPECIALS!
BLUE groups attend PE M/W/F and Music & Computer Lab T/Th/F
8:00-8:55 Fifth Grade Kraatz & Sharpe
9:00-9:55 Fourth Grade Dunkirk & Decker
10:00-10:55 Third Grade Jimenez & Phillip
11:00-11:55 Second Grade Sturgeon & Guerra
12:30-1:25 First Grade Hassard & L. Charlton
1:30-2:25 Kinder Longoria & Shepherd
RED groups attend PE T/Th/F and Music & Computer Lab M/W/F
8:00-8:55 Fifth Grade Medrano & Spaugh
9:00-9:55 Fourth Grade M. Perez & Cantu
10:00-10:55 Third Grade Reid & Schuemann
11:00-11:55 Second Grade K. Charlton & Beyer
12:30-1:25 First Grade Flores & Garza
1:30-2:25 Kinder Winckler & T. Perez
***Students MUST wear PE appropriate shoes in order to participate in PE class. Non participation due to inappropriate shoes will result in lowering of PE grade.