Conflict of Interest & Disclosure Statements
New Law Affects Bidders
House Bill 914 Disclosure
The 79th Texas Legislature (Regular Session) passed House Bill 914, which establishes new conflict-of-interest disclosure requirements for local government offices. Beginning January 1, 2006, chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, requires the filing of conflict of interent questionnaires by certain individuals and businesses. If you elect to respond to a bid or proposal from Gregory-Portland ISD, you must complete a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire. Please mail the necessary questionnaire or disclosure form to
Chris Casarez |
Fax: 361-777-1093 |
For more information see the Texas Ethics Commission Website - Note this website is not controlled by Gregory-Portland ISD
Vendors: This questionnaire must be filed with the school district in accordance with Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code by any person doing business with the governmental entity. |
Gregory-Portland Independent School District is required to maintain an Internet list of local government officers and disclosure statements covering conflicts of interest. Disclosure is required of officers of the district and their family members with regard to persons or agents contracting with the District or persons or agents responding to District quotations, bids, proposals, or requests for qualifications if: 1. the person has employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member resulting in the officer or family member receiving taxable income; or 2. the person has given the local government officer or family member one or more gifts (excluding food, logging, transportation, and entertainment) that have an aggregate value of more than $250 in the twelve month period preceding the date the officer becomes aware of an executed contract or consideration of the person for a contract to do business with the District. Statements must be filed within 7 business days after the officer becomes aware a conflict of interest exists. |