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National Junior Honor Society



R.C. Nolte Chapter of the

National Junior Honor Society for

Gregory-Portland Middle School

Faculty Sponsor: Ms. Erben


In the photo from left: Vice President Jade Winckler, Secretary Mackenzie Hayward, President Lily Wilson, and Treasurer Adam Guzman

2022-23 Officers

President: Lily Wilson

Vice President:  Jade Winckler

Secretary: Mackenzie Hayward

Treasurer: Adam Guzman

Remind and Teams:

All members of NJHS are expected to check Remind and Teams regularly for information about meetings, planned activities, and service opportunities. Students are responsible for obtaining the information shared and should plan to attend monthly NJHS meetings. 



Students participating in NJHS during this school year were inducted last spring.

Both outgoing seventh and eighth grade students may be inducted into NJHS.

NJHS members:
*are inducted to participate in NJHS activities.
*are awarded a certificate and pin to commemorate their academic achievement.
*are expected to maintain high grades and good conduct that support the ideals represented by the honor society.
*may begin accumulating service hours (independently) immediately following induction.
*will meet in May to elect officers for the next school year.

To remain active in NJHS throughout the school year, members must attend monthly after-school meetings. Students who miss more than two monthly meetings will be dismissed from the honor society.


NJHS members may earn and should record community service hours during the summer and throughout the school year. A minimum of 10 hours are due by April.

In addition to service hours, members are required to log at least 5 "activity credits" during the school year.

Community Service is voluntary work that is usually performed for a nonprofit organization and is intended to be for the benefit of members of the community.
A record of the service should include a brief description of the service performed, date, time served, and the signature of an adult to verify the recorded service. Letters from participating organizations may be provided and should be attached to the NJHS member's Service Log.

Activity Credits are earned throughout the year when we work together as a chapter to accomplish a service goal. Members are required to sign in when they arrive to a scheduled activity. This signature will help verify the activity that was recorded on the Service Log. Members must have Log Sheets signed by the adviser or another adult who can verify participation.

Check meeting agendas for upcoming SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES. Members are expected to participate in at least FIVE chapter SERVICE activities during the year. Members also are expected to record at least 10 HOURS of Community Service.


Please ask Mrs. Hayward.


“If it wasn't for GPMS and its friendly, inviting atmosphere, I don't think I ever would have become the self-confident, energetic person I am today!”

Diego Aguillon, GP Class of 2023