4 Pillars of NHS
The Four Pillars of the National Honor Society
A student exercises leadership when he or she:
- Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles and making suggestions
- Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities
- Exercises a positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit
- Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school
- Is able to delegate responsibilities
- Inspires positive behavior in others
- Demonstrates academic initiative
- Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility; conducts business effectively and efficiently; demonstrates reliability and dependability
- Is a leader in the classroom, at work, or in other school or community activities
- Is dependable in any responsibility accepted
The student who serves:
- Volunteers and provides dependable and well-organized assistance, andis willing to make sacrifices to offer assistance
- Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities
- Enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school
- Is willing to represent the class or school in interclass and interscholastic competition
- Does committee and staff work without complaint
- Participates in some activity outside of school, for example Scouts, religious groups, volunteers services for the elderly, poor or disadvantaged
- Mentors in the community or students at other schools
- Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, administrators and students
The student of character:
- Consistently exemplifies positive an desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)
- Cooperates by complying with all school policies and regulations and codes of student conduct
- Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously
- Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty, academic integrity, and reliability
- Regularly exhibits courtesy, concern, and respect for others
- Complies with instructions and rules, and displays personal responsibility.
The student of scholarship:
- Shows a commitment to learning
- Is willing to spend time studying, reading and completing homework
- Knows the lasting benefits of a cultivated mind
- Pursues learning outside of the classroom and school environment
- Exemplifies the highest levels of diligence and effort
- Looks for opportunities to engage in scholastic events
- Understands that knowledge is to be shared and does so through involvement with others within and outside of the classroom
- Understands that asking questions is part of the process of learning and is not ashamed of asking for assistance from a peer, teacher or mentor