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Board of Trustees

Meet the Team | School Board Members



Gregory-Portland ISD Trustees were selected as one of nine Texas School Boards to complete the Raise Your Hand Texas Trustee Advocates Program (Inaugural Cohort, 2019-2021).

Superintendent Michelle Cavazos, Ph. D.


Board Meeting Notices and Minutes

Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are usually scheduled for the third Monday of each month at the G-PISD Training Center located at 1200 Broadway in Portland, TX. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.; however, due to varying circumstances, meetings may begin earlier or later. Please refer to the posted notice in the link above for details of a specific meeting. The public is always welcome. If you have any concerns, please contact Dr. Michelle Cavazos at (361) 777-1091, ext. 1018.

Gregory-Portland ISD Board Policy Manual

You may search the Gregory-Portland ISD Board Policy Manual through our Policy-On-Line service by clicking the link above. It allows you to search by topic, keyword, or policy code.