Student Registration & Transfer Requests
Transfers - REQUESTS (NEW & RENEWAL) 2025-2026 - Feb 18 - Mar 21, 2025
- Intradistrict Transfers - (campus to campus) - NEW & Renewal - 2025-2026
Transfer Window for 2025-2026 - february 18, 2025 to March 21, 2025
Gregory-Portland ISD is accepting out-of-district transfer applications for students seeking to attend a G-PISD campus in grades 1-12 during the transfer window. Applications for Kindergarten will be accepted for employee's children only and on a space-available basis due to continued growth within our district. Pre-K applications are only accepted for employee's children per district policy EHBG(LOCAL) on a space-available basis.
All renewals and new requests for a student transfer must complete the transfer application which is through a web-based application during a specified window of time. Applications will not be accepted outside the transfer window. No paper copies will be accepted. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to attach the requested documentation (grades, attendance, and discipline reports). Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Due to industry growth in our area, if enrollment in a grade level surpasses a threshold set by the district, the approval of your transfer application may be reversed.
Things to know before submitting an application:
- The District shall consider availability of space, instructional staff and the student's disciplinary history and attendance records.
- A student who has received a disciplinary alternative educational placement in a DAEP/JJAEP in the current/previous school year will not be eligible for a student transfer.
- Eligibility to participate in UIL activities may be affected with a student transfer. Please check with UIL, the current UIL constitution and contest rules for status before completing a student transfer application. This is solely the parent's responsibility.
- Attendance and discipline will be reviewed each nine-week grading period. The district has the right to revoke, at any time of the year, an out-of-district application/transfer for failure to meet the requirement in FDA(LOCAL) and the District of Innovation (DOI).
- Transportation to and from school is not provided for transfer students. Parents/Guardians must provide transportation.
Intradistrict Transfers - (campus to campus) - NEW & Renewal - 2025-2026
Registration Link
transfer window 2025-2026 - February 18 - March 21, 2025
Employees’ Children
A resident elementary school student who is the child of a District employee currently working at an elementary campus not in the student’s attendance area. The student may attend the campus at which the parent works.
The child of an employee who resides in the District but does not work on an elementary campus may attend school in the home attendance area or the closest campus of the employee’s assignment if space is available.
An employee’s child shall be exempt from overflow.
Students Who Move
A student who moves from one attendance area to another during the school year shall withdraw from the current campus and enroll at the campus in the attendance zone in which they reside upon notification to campus staff.
A student who will change residence as a result of the acquisition of another home within the following months. Application for transfer must include acceptable documentation (e.g., a signed contract with a builder or seller, a signed lease, and the like).
Campus-Specific Programs
A student who is enrolled in a program not offered at the campus in the home attendance area (i.e., bilingual). When the student ceases to be enrolled in the program, the student must attend the school in the home attendance area.
Kindergarten Roundup 2025 - 2026
February 18 - March 21, 2025
Students will register online by clicking the link below. If you have questions or need assistance completing the online application, the district has set aside two days in March. CLICK HERE: Kindergarten Registration Link
The following dates are available for in-person registration if you need assistance in completing online registration.
February 25, 2025 Early Childhood Center 1201 Daniel Moore Ave 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm |
March 21, 2025 Early Childhood Center 1201 Daniel Moore Ave 8:30 am – 11:00 am |
Eligibility: The child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025.
The following items are needed for a child to be registered:
• Official Birth Certificate or other proof of identity
• Immunization records
• Proof of residence (current lease agreement or utility bill {i.e. water, gas, or electric bill})
• Parent/guardian photo id (driver’s license, military ID, or passport)
• Child's Social Security Card
Pre-K Roundup 2025 - 2026
April 1, 2025 - May 9, 2025
Students will register online by clicking the link below. If you have questions or need assistance completing the online application, the district has set aside two days in March. Pre-K Registration Link
The following dates are available for in-person registration if you need assistance in completing online registration.
April 10, 2025 Early Childhood Center 1201 Daniel Moore Avenue 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
Pre-Kindergarten Eligibility
Eligibility: Four years of age by September 1, 2025 and meets at least one of the criteria listed below:
• unable to speak and comprehend the English language and are Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students.
• is educationally (economically) disadvantaged: Eligible to participate in the National Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program based on family income. Eligible by having a food stamp or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Eligibility Group Number (EDG#).
• is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. §11434a
• is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority
• is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty
• is or has ever been in the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (foster care) following an adversary hearing held as provided by Family Code §262.201 or has been in foster care in another state or territory, but currently lives in Texas
• is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical first responder
The following items are needed for a child to be registered:
• Official Birth Certificate or other proof of identity
• Immunization records
• Proof of residence (current utility statement in parent/guardian’s name {gas, electric, water} showing physical address within the District’s boundaries, a recently paid rent receipt, or current lease agreement)
• Child’s Social Security Card
• Proof of military status of parent (if applicable)
New Student Registration 2024-2025
- New Student Registration will open Monday, April 15, 2024.
- Register your student who is new to Gregory-Portland ISD.
- This opportunity is available for only students who reside within the G-PISD school district boundary.
- Please see the list below under "Documents & Requirements," and have those items ready to upload as image files or PDF documents into the online registration process prior to completion.
- New Student Registration will open Monday, April 14, 2025.
- Register your student who is new to Gregory-Portland ISD.
- This opportunity is available for only students who reside within the G-PISD school district boundary.
- Please see the list below under "Documents & Requirements," and have those items ready to upload as image files or PDF documents into the online registration process prior to completion.
Returning Student Registration - Incoming K - 12
Returning Student Registration 2024 - 2025
CLICK HERE TO register your returning G-PISD studenT!
Returning Student Verification Window: July 23, 2024 - August 8, 2024
- Click the link above (when it becomes available) to complete online registration for your student in the CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR, 2024-2025 (this is a student who ALREADY ATTENDED a G-PISD school in the 2023-2024 school year).
- This application is available for only students who reside within the G-PISD school district boundary.
- There is ONE WINDOW of opportunity to complete online registration and doing so is vital to ensuring adequate staffing for next school year. Please complete for your current G-PISD student(s) by the deadline listed above.
CLICK HERE TO register your returning G-PISD studenT!
Returning Student Verification Window: July 22, 2025 - August 14, 2025
- Click the link above (when it becomes available) to complete online registration for your student in the CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR, 2025-2026 (this is a student who ALREADY ATTENDED a G-PISD school in the 2024-2025 school year).
- This application is available for only students who reside within the G-PISD school district boundary.
- There is ONE WINDOW of opportunity to complete online registration and doing so is vital to ensuring adequate staffing for next school year. Please complete for your current G-PISD student(s) by the deadline listed above.
Documents & Requirements for Student Registration
Registration Requirements - All Students
Before registration will be completed, all students entering a Gregory-Portland ISD school for the first time must have:
- Proof of identity of (1) the student, and (2) the parent/guardian who will enroll the student, for example:
- Birth Certificate
- Driver's License
- Passport
- School ID card, records, or report card
- Military ID
- Adoption records
- Any other legal document that establishes identity; copy of child's Birth Certificate OR another document suitable as proof of child's identity (see list above) AND (if under age 11) a signed, notarized statement explaining the parent's inability to produce a copy of the child's Birth Certificate
2. Proof of residency, for example:
- Current household utility statement in the parent’s or guardian’s name (gas, electric, water) showing an address within the District’s boundaries. No PO boxes.
- A recently paid rent receipt.
- A current lease agreement.
- Sworn affidavit of parent or guardian that the parent or guardian and the child seeking admission are bona fide residents of the District, i.e., that they eat, sleep, and maintain clothing and other personal effects at an address within the District’s boundaries shown on the application for admission.
- Please note: *current means within 30 days of registration.
5. Child’s Social Security Card
6. Child’s Current Immunization Record
7. Your child must be available for testing if qualifying based on limited English Language Proficiency.
8. Income information on all household members.
9. Active duty military participation will require the following documents: Department of Defense Identification and a Statement of Service from the Adjutant General/ Director of Human Resources or an official letter from a commander that he/she is active/mobilized.
10. If New / Transfer Student who attended a previous school district: School Records from the previous district (withdrawal form and/or transcript) with proof of grade promotion.
Pre-Kindergarten Eligibility Requirements (Texas)
To be eligible for the Pre- Kindergarten program, your child must be 4 years of age by Sept. 1 and meet an eligibility requirement as required by Texas law. No exceptions can be made:
- The child is unable to speak and comprehend the English language and are Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students. Students must complete a Home Language Survey and the child must qualify on the preLAS: English Language Proficiency Assessment for Early Learners (PreLAS), which will be administered face-to-face when permitted.
- The child is educationally (economically) disadvantaged: Eligible to participate in the National Free or Reduced-Price Lunch Program based on family income. Eligible by having a food stamp or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Eligibility Group Number (EDG#).
- The child is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 11302.
- The child has a parent or official guardian that is an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority. This includes uniformed service members who are Missing in Action (MIA).
- The child has a parent or official guardian that is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty. The term “member of the armed forces” includes:• active duty uniformed members (parents or official guardians) of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard who are assigned to duty stations in Texas or who are Texans who have eligible children residing in Texas; activated/ mobilized uniformed members of the Texas National Guard (Army or Air Guard), or activated/mobilized members of the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard who are Texas residents regardless of the location of the reserve unit; and uniformed service members who are Missing in Action (MIA).
- The child has ever been in the conservatorship (foster care) of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), as well as children in a conservatorship as a result of an adversary hearing. This includes children returned to home, kinship placement, and/or adoptions.