


Independent School District

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Benchmark 2 - Target Population

Admission Policy and ApplicationAll G-PISD students who are promoted to the 9th grade will have opportunities to enroll in dual credit courses. Students wishing to enroll specifically in the P-TECH program for health science will complete the application linked below.  Although all P-TECH programs are open enrollment, should their be limited space availability, a lottery system will be utilized.

APPLICATION LINK:    https://forms.office.com/r/SmvDR6VPLs


Recruitment PlanDecember, 2021 - Brochures will be distributed to all current 8th graders as well as shared on social media to advertise the P-TECH Program 

January 18, 2021 - High school counselors will visit G-P Middle School to meet with 8th graders to inform them of high school graduation plans, CTE courses, P-TECH, and prepare them for the course selection process.

January 20, 2021 - The annual G-P High School Academic and CTE Showcase night will be held with a parent meeting for 8th grade students and their parents to learn about high school options. At the conclusion of the parent meeting, families will be released to visit tables set up with each CTE program of study as well as get a tour of the new CTE Building with more information about health science programs and P-TECH.

January 21, 2021 - High School counselors return to G-P Middle School to finalized course requests with students.

P-TECH Brochures





Communication PlanP-TECH and high school staff will work with district communications staff to develop promotional materials, district call-outs to parents, videos and information campaigns on social media to help inform parents and students about the P-TECH program and offerings. 


