Benchmark 1 - School Design
Shelly Elizalde, G-PISD Career and Technical Education Coordinator
Dr. Mike Norris, G-P High School Principal
Camille Kieschnick, G-PISD Executive Director for Curriculum and Instruction
Virginia Lindsay, G-P High School Dean of Instruction
Catherine Teel, G-P High School College and Career Counselor
Tena Walls, CTE Department Chair, G-P High School
Robert Montez, Director of Early College Programs, Del Mar College
Nicole Kindzirsky, CTE Programs Coordinator, Del Mar College
Amanda Cisneros, Dual Credit Workforce Coordinator, Del Mar College
P-TECH Leadership Team Meeting Agenda and NotesMay 13, 2021July 28, 2021 (Entire Leadership Team)July 28, 2021 (Del Mar and CTE)August 17, 2021August 24, 2021November 2, 2021November 11, 2021P-TECH Professional Development Plan
P-TECH Professional Development Plan Gregory-Portland P-TECH Early College High School
The professional development plan includes training for the instructors in early college high school policies and procedures. The high school instructors also participate in professional development required by the campus and Gregory-Portland Independent School District. The high school and Del Mar College Instructors will meet periodically to review the curriculum and make changes as needed. The Del Mar College instructors participate in the professional development required by the college. To ensure that P-Tech staff have ample time to collaborate and plan throughout the school year, periodic meetings have been planned to assess student needs and progress. In addition, dual credit faculty will be invited and encouraged to attend Professional Development training implemented by Del Mar College. Implemented PD will focus on meeting the needs of dually enrolled high school students. Upcoming dates and times to be announced.
P-TECH Mentor and Induction Plan