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The Texas Student Data System (TSDS) is a statewide system for collecting and reporting education data for publicly funded schools in the State of Texas.  TSDS offers a way to collect and manage data, as well as provide educators with timely, actionable, and historical student data.

The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) encompasses all data requested and received by TEA about public education, including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial, and organizational information.

The submission of PEIMS data is required of all school districts. The Data Standards provide instructions on the submission of PEIMS data by school districts to the Texas Education Agency. PEIMS data files are submitted four times each school year following a schedule established by the PEIMS Data Standards.

District/Campus PEIMS Staff

Location Name Title Phone Email
Administration  Tonya Lorberau  Database/PEIMS Administrator  ext. 1038   tlorberau@g-pisd.org
Administration  Nicole Geerdes-Lyon  PEIMS/SIS Specialist  ext. 1029  ngeerdes@g-pisd.org
Administration  Lauren Lopez  Special Education PEIMS   Clerk  ext. 1023  llopez@g-pisd.org
High School (001)  Stephanie Reed  PEIMS Clerk  ext. 6042  sreed2@g-pisd.org
High School (001)  Veronica Trevino  Attendance Clerk  ext. 6034  vtrevino@g-pisd.org
High School (001)  Brittany Jasso   Registrar  ext. 6038  bjasso@g-pisd.org
Middle School (041)  Tamera Brotherson  PEIMS Clerk  ext. 5002  tbrotherson@g-pisd.org
Middle School (041)  Angil Wilburn  Attendance Clerk  ext. 5044 awilburn@-pisd.org 
Middle School (041) Beatrice Garza Perez  Registrar  ext. 5089  bperez@g-pisd.org
S.F. Austin (101)  Noemi Garcia  PEIMS/Attendance Clerk  ext. 2003  ngarcia@g-pisd.org
T.M. Clark (102)  Virginia Haer  PEIMS/Attendance Clerk  ext. 2636  vhaer@g-pisd.org
East Cliff (103)  Abby Sacky  PEIMS/Attendance Clerk  ext. 2210  asacky@g-pisd.org
W.C. Andrews (104)  Justene Longoria  PEIMS/Attendance Clerk  ext. 2433  jlongoria@g-pisd.org
Early Childhood (106)  Makenzie Viera  PEIMS/Attendance Clerk  ext. 2805 mviera@g-pisd.org