


Independent School District

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Facility Rentals

The Gregory-Portland ISD facilities are designated primarily for educational purposes and school-related activities. District facilities may also be used after school hours for student meetings, district employee meetings, school-affiliated organizations (e.g. PTO and Booster clubs), community groups, other organizations and for-profit groups. Programs comprised of at least 75 percent district students will be given priority for use of facilities over programs that do not contain students in the district. Please note that G-PISD only allows the use of district facilities as long as it does not interfere in any way with the district’s education of its students.

A representative of a group or organization desiring to use a school facility shall submit a Facility Use Agreement through the editable Informed K-12 form at least two weeks prior to the desired date. Reservations are done on a first come, first served basis.

The items listed below are required for a contract approval for scheduling non-school events in Gregory-Portland ISD facilities.

  • A completed Facility Use Agreement via Informed K-12
  • A copy of the organization's insurance policy in the name of the organization listing Gregory-Portland ISD as additionally insured and/or the certificate holder

Rental Fees

Approved use of school facilities must be paid for no later than 5 business days after the event. Rates are subject to revision at any time. Fees shall be sufficient to recover all real costs to the District for the use of the facility.
