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District Calendar - 2024-25

Posted: 3.9.2024

The Gregory-Portland ISD ACADEMIC CALENDAR for the 2024-25 school year has now been released and is provided below in TWO VERSIONS:

  1. A FAMILY Calendar that is simplified with our families in mind, showing clearly and concisely the days that students will attend school and enjoy student holidays, as well as containing NEW school start and end times with the addition of the Early Childhood Center and helpful QR codes; and
  2. An EMPLOYEE Calendar that includes a staff-only holiday listing and a custom legend, in addition to detailed academic information needed specifically for G-PISD teachers and employees.

*Please keep in mind that while this calendar has been board-approved, the Superintendent retains the authority to make adjustments as needed before and during each school year. Thanks & GO WILDCATS!



LINKS to download this FAMILY Calendar and/or print:

ENGLISH: Full Color  |  Grayscale (B/W)

ESPANOL:  A Todo Color  |  Escala de Grises

24-25_G-PISDSchoolCalandar_FAMILY_COLOR_121924 (PDF)



LINKS to download this EMPLOYEE Calendar and/or print:

ENGLISH: Full Color Grayscale (B/W)

ESPANOL:  A Todo Color  |  Escala de Grises

First page of the PDF file: Employeecalendar1